A reality show, exploring the lives of farming and ranching in the local Missouri, The McBee Dynasty, has gained enough traction on the streaming giant, Amazon Prime. Following its debut on March 11, 2024, fans have shared a higher anticipation for its next season. Scroll to read more about The McBee Dynasty Season 2.
About McBee Dynasty
An American reality show, the McBee Dynasty follows McBee Farm & Cattle, and how it is on the verge of a billion-dollar business. Debuted on March 11, 2024, the reality series showcased 10 episodes, wherein the McBee farm owner and patriarch make decisions, and how they affect his family. A short description of the series, featured by Amazon Prime, said, “McBee Farm & Cattle is on the brink of becoming a billion-dollar business, but it all depends on a decision from a venture capital investment firm of over one hundred million dollars.”
Details on Season 2 of McBee Dynasty
McBee Dynasty, which premiered in March 2024 on Peacock, Amazon Prime, and Jio TV, have not received words of approval.
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Steven McBee Hints About Second Season
Although the creators and streaming channel are yet to share a confirmation, the cast, Steven McBee, has shared a hopeful update on its second season. Steven, on March 14, 2024, took to Twitter, to announce that the crew is waiting for a certain “viewership” to give a green light to the series.
His Tweet read, “You’re telling me. We all have some shit we need to say on camera but we’re holding it in for Season 2! Just have to get the viewership up and the network will green-light us to start filming!
You’re telling me 😂 We all have some shit we need to say on camera but we’re holding it in for Season 2! Just have to get the viewership up and network will green light us to start filming! https://t.co/KMPEpaCOFl
— Steven McBee (@steven_mcbee) March 14, 2024
Cast Details for the Second Season
As of July 2024, the American series remained tight-lipped about the second season. However, we will likely witness a repetition of the cast that includes Steve McBee, Galyna Saltkovska, and Steven McBee, Jr.
All About The Plot Details
It is confirmed that the new season is set to follow more intricacies related to the McBee farm. However, a confirmed plot is awaited to release more details for the McBee Dynasty Season 2. As per the Season 1 synopsis, McBee Dynasty is, “THE MCBEE DYNASTY: REAL AMERICAN COWBOYS is an unscripted series about a Missouri family of ranchers working hard to hold on to their business and their way of life. Patriarch Steve McBee is the owner and president of McBee Farm & Cattle Company, a farm and ranch he runs with the help of CFO Galyna Saltkovska and his four adult sons, Steven Jr., Jesse, Cole, and Brayden. When they’re not working with crops, cattle, or the family’s expanding carwash business, they spend their time with their significant others and with each other. But thanks to a few years of drought and catastrophic flooding, the farm isn’t making a profit, and the McBees, along with their employees, are working hard in hopes of landing a $105 million venture capital deal to keep it afloat”